The Story behind our 1st album “LORE”

Art by Scott “Wizardfool” Stearns
Some reflections…
We’ve been getting such good feedback from you guys on our singles and Music videos, we thought we’d share the back story behind the “Lore” Album. This album would not have been possible without the help of friends, my talanted band mates, our new fans and some synchronicities provided by the Universe, You see, I do not believe in coincidence~
Music is esoteric and mystical, and you have to bare what’s inside your Soul without any guarantees that others will even like what you’ve created. So truth be told, we’re hopefull and yet beyond excited to finally be able to share our full album! So much work went into making this album, in fact 785 Studio hours; ridiculous!
“Lore” is a concept album about the various stages of the ‘Hero’s Journey’, made popular by Joseph Campbell in his book and mini series, ‘the Power of Myth.’ Writing and ultimately completing this album was a journey in itself, so it only seems fitting to share some of the background story. Half of the songs for “Lore” were already written, when I then hit a creative and motivational wall. It was at this time I was offered the touring drummer position for ‘Textbeak’, on the release of his new album on Cleopatra records. This immersed me in the underground music scenes of New York and Chicago, which was priceless. This primed me to get this album finished. Once back home, I began searching for musicians in the local Cleveland scene to work with, I explored every resource, but the local scene is dominated by Nu-Metal, which was a hard no. Frustrated, I had to step back. I was willing to take the leap of faith, but couldn’t find the musicians to help!
When I started worked on the imagery for the band, the universe delivered. The musicians I needed, found me. Funny how that works. My Vocalist, Ravensea and I met at a Drum Circle at this gorgeous Cathedral, Sean then contacted me out of the blue and I met Goth Jae & Sean Destruct from ‘Sonic Armada’ who offered to cut some Bass/Guitar tracks. Within 3 months, all the studio tracks were done, boom.
So “Lore” is a conceptual album of the Hero’s Journey, yet made by a humble 100% independent band, who have been beyond fortunate to have compiled and amazing support cast, from producer Textbeak and Goth Scene legend Martin ‘Attrition’ Bowes for the album mastering, to Shauna from Shameless PR promotions and our amazing music video crew Rafeeq, Levi and Jen. Together, we would be so honored and grateful for your support. We can only hope this album resonates with you and aids in your Heros’/Heroines’ Journey. Untied we shout “Attack your Destiny!”
Please click the button below to preview the album ‘LORE’ Available in Mp3 or CD
Lyrics PDF booklet included!
Click the button to preview the album, available as Mp3 download or CD. Thank you!
“Attack your Destiny!”
Cds ship worldwide
*Lyrics may contain hidded messages
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